Onze publicaties
- Decat G., Deckx L., Broekx K., Hanson-Mild K.. Speciale Veiligheid/Special Safety, Blootstellling aan elektromagnetische velden/Exposure to electromagnetic fields. Lastechniek (Welding Technic), april 2009/April 2009, Jaargang 75/edition 75, p. 20 – 23.
- Hanson-Mild K, Alanko T., Decat G., Falsaperla R.,Gryz K., Hietanen M., Rossi P., Sandström M. Exposure of Workers to Electromagnetic Fields. A review of open questions on Exposure Assessment Techniques. Int. Journ. of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (JOSE) 2009, Vol. 15, No. 1, 3 – 33.
- Decat, G., Residential ELF en RF personal exposimetry of children. Proceeding of the 5th International Workshop on Biologic effects of electromagnetic fields, Palermo, Italy , Sept. 28th - October 2nd, 2008.
- Decat G., Meynen G., Van Tichelen P., Exposure Assessment of the electric and magnetic fields of energy saving lamps. Proceeding of the 30th Annual BEMS meeting, San Diego, US, June 8 – 12, 2008.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Broekx K., Kjell H.M. Exposure Assessment of the magnetic field generated by portable spot welding devices used in small and medium-sized enterprises. Proceeding of the 30th Annual BEMS meeting, San Diego, US, June 8 – 12, 2008.
- Decat G., Mesure de l’exposition résidentielle d’enfants aux champs ELF, VLF et RF et modélisation du champ magnétique des lignes à haute tension par rapport à la leucémie infantile. Journée Scientifique de la Section Rayonnements Non Ionisants de la Société Française de Radio Protection - Grenoble le 7 octobre 2008.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Meynen G., Wilczeck D., Outdoor Exposure Assessment of RF-radiation of WIFI for wireless city applications. Proceedings PIERS – Progress in Electromagnetic Research Science, Hangzhou, China, March 24-28, 2008.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Meynen G., Wilczeck D., Compliance testing of the RF-field from picocells in train stations and airports. SA Mobile Phone Symposium, Johannesburg, South Africa, October 7 – 9, 2007.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Meynen G., Wilczeck D., Exposure of the general public to the RF-radiation of picocells and microcells in Belgium 4th International Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility CEM 2007, Baia Mare – Romania, September 18-19, 2007.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Meynen G., Wilczeck D., Is the use of simplified current density formulas reliable for testing compliance with exposure limit values? XIV Congress of the Polish Radiation Research Society memorial to Maria Sklodowska-Curie, Kielce, 24-26 September 2007.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Meynen G., Wilczeck D., Exposure of the general public to RF-radiaton of GSM Microcells in shopping streets. Proceeding of the 29th Annual BEMS meeting, Kanazawa, Japan, June 10 – 15, 2007.
- Decat G. Occupational exposure assessment of the static magnetic flux density generated by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for biochemical purposes. Proceedings PIERS – Progress in Electromagnetic Research Science, Beijing, China, March 26-30, 2007.
- Decat G, Van Den Heuvel, I and Mulpas L. Exposure of Children between 0 and 15 years old to a 50 Hz Magnetic Field of 0.4 microtesla in Belgium. Proceeding of the 8th congress of the European BioElectromagnetic Association, Bordeaux, April 10 – 13, 2007.
- Decat G., Good measurement practice (GMP) in the exposure assessment of occupational ELF electromagnetic fields. International EMF-NET Workshop “Effects of the Exposure to electromagnetic Fields: From Science to Public Health and Safer Workplace”. Milan, Italy February 14 – 16, 2007.
- Decat, G. Occupational High Electromagnetic Field Exposure related to the Directive 2004/40/EC. Proceeding of the 4th International Workshop on Biologic effects of lectromagnetic fields, Crete, Greece, October 16 – 20, 2006.
- Decat G., Relation between stationary and dynamic magnetic field exposure of people living close to power lines. Proceeding of the 28th Annual BEMS meeting, Cancun, Mexico, June, 2006.
- Decat G., Residential relative exposure index as a model for the relation between stationary and personal magnetic field exposure in occupational situations. Proceeding of the Workshop on The role of EMF Dosimetry in High Quality Risk Assessment, Ljubljana, Slovenia; Zagreb, Croatia, September, 13-15, 2006.
- Decat, G. (VITO, Belgium), R. Falsaperla & P. Rossi (ISPESL, Italy), M. Hietanen (FIOH, Finland), J. Karpowicz & K. Gryz (CIOP, Poland), M. Sandström & K.Hansson Mild (NIWL, Sweden), P. Ravazzani (CNR, Italy). How to manage occupational high exposure static, ELF and RF electromagnetic fields according to the workplace electromagnetic field Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Council/Parliament.. Proceedings 2005 Australien Radiation Protection Society Conference. 30 Years of Radiation Safety, Research and Practice in Australasia. 13 – 16 Novemeber 2005, Rydges, Melbourne.pp. 30.
- Decat G. (2005), Modelling the residential ELF magnetic field risks of power lines and some considerations about the risks in terms of dynamic exposure. Proceedings XXVIIIth Gneral Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Vgiyan Bhavan, New Delhi, India. October 23 – 29, 2005 pp. 157.
- Decat G., Deckx L., Peeters E., Smolders R., Bossuyt M. (2005) Residential and dynamic exposure TO the 50 Hz magnetic field from power lines and estimation of the risks. Proceedings: 2nd workshop of electromagnetic compatibility. Technical University Cluj-Napoca – September, 22-23, 2005. pp. 25-29.
- Decat, G., M. Wevers , P. Kessels, G. Meynen, K. Scheepers, K. Duyssens, L. Deckx, P. Van Tichelen, Z. Grabarczyk , G. FortisInt. (2006) Is electrostatic discharge produced under office working conditions in such a way that it can trigger lipoatrophia semicircularis? Full Paper will be published in the Int. Journal of Occupational Health and Ergonomy (JOSE) 1st edition 2006.
- G. Decat , L. Deckx , G. Meynen, E. De Graef , F. Jonlet (2006). High exposure magnetic fields of induction ovens placed in the framework of the Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Proceedings Full Paper will be published in the Int. Journal of Occupational Health and Ergonomy (JOSE) 1st edition 2006.
- Decat, G., M. Wevers , P. Kessels, G. Meynen, K. Scheepers, K. Duyssens, L. Deckx, P. Van Tichelen, Z. Grabarczyk , G. FortisInt. (2005) Is electrostatic discharge produced under office working conditions in such a way that it can trigger lipoatrophia semicircularis? Proceedings Workshop on ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN THE WORKPLACE 5-7 Sept. 2005, Warszawa, Poland pp. 17 – 22.
- G. Decat , L. Deckx , G. Meynen, E. De Graef , F. Jonlet (2005). High exposure magnetic fields of induction ovens placed in the framework of the Directive 2004/40/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Proceedings Workshop on ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS IN THE WORKPLACE 5-7 Sept. 2005, Warszawa, Poland pp. 17 – 22.
- Decat, G., Peeters E., Smolders R., Bossuyt M. (2004) GIS MODELLING FOR ESTIMATING THE PROPORTION OF CHILDREN EXPOSED TO THE ELF MAGNETIC FIELD OF OVERHEAD POWER LINES IN FLANDERS (BELGIUM). Proceedings - Asia-Pacific EMF Conference Electromagnetic Field Research Jan. 26-30,2004 Bangkok, Thailand.
- Decat, G. (2004) Relative exposure index for the relation between the dynamic and sationary exposure of the magnetic field in the working environment. Proceedings. Int. Symposium 3rd Workshop on Biological Effects of EMFs, Kos, Greece, 4-8 October 2004.
- Decat, G. (2004) Elektromagnetische velden in de werkomgeving. Milieutechnologie nr 5 mei 2004 – Kluwer uitgevers.
- Verschaeve, L., Decat, G., Maes, A., (2004) Inventaris van blootstellingsniveaus van niet-ioniserende straling voor de bevolking in Vlaanderen, literatuurstudie. Publicatie beschikbaar via website: http://wwwmina.be/milieugezondheid.html. Aminal, DTG/OL200100709/3097/M&G)
- Verwaest Kristof (2003-2004) Inventarisatie van niet-ioniserende straling veroorzaakt door verkeerscontrole van de politie voor de bevolking in Vlaanderen. Afstudeerverslag voor het bekomen van de titel van Milieukundig Ingenieur. Promotor Gilbert Decat
- Decat, G., De Smet, J., Deckx, L., Lambert, B. Exposure assessment of the personal ELF magnetic field dose during TIG and electrode welding: an applicable approach for welders in industry and in education. (Manuscript in voorbereiding)
- Decat, G., Peeters, E., Smolders, R. (2003) Tijdsreeksen en GIS-model voor het in kaart brengen van de blootstelling aan elektrische en magnetische velden van hoogspanningslijnen in Vlaanderen. (rapport wordt binnenkort door VMM gepubliceerd)
- Decat, Gilbert, Marion Crasson, Eefje Peeters, Walter Van Loock (2003), Optimal sampling time for the exposure assessment of the magnetic field for epidemiological purposes (wordt gepubliceerd in “the EBEA-proceedings 2003”)
- Decat, G., (2002) Representativeness of 24 h and 48 h measurements of the magnetic field exposure for epidemiological purposes and the ratio between the dynamic and static exposure for people living below high voltage transmission lines. Piers 2002 Proceedings, Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, July 1-5, 2002, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Published by the Electromagnetic Academy, Cambridge USA, p. 691
- Decat, G., (2001), Relative exposure index for the relation between the personal and the stationary home magnetic field exposure close to and far away from power lines. EBEA-2001 Proceedings, pp. 136-139, September 2001
- Decat,G., De Smet, J., Deckx, L., Lambert, B. (2001), Evaluatie van het persoonsgebonden 50 Hz magnetisch veld tijdens het AC elektrode- en het AC TIG-lassen in de industrie en het onderwijs. Proceedings, BIL-Research, Veiligheid en gezondheid bij het lassen. Studiedag Belgisch Instituut voor Lastechniek, pp. 1-9, november, 2001
- Decat, G., De Ridder, M. en Verschaeve L. (2001), Niet-ioniserende straling. Achtergronddocument van het MIRA-rapport: http://www.vmm.be/pdf/ag_2.22.pdf, Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM), december 2001
- Decat, G., Lambert, B. and De Rijck K., (2000), Static and alternating 50 Hz Magnetic fields in our Living and Working Environments. Vito Conference Proceedings on ‘Safety in living and working environments: promotion of a network for the study of risk factors’. Organized by: Italian Embassy in Belgium, Vito, ISPESL, IST. pp. 31-33, December 15th, 2000
- Decat G. and Van Tongerloo J. (1998), Magnetic field monitored in houses under 50 Hz high-voltage transmission lines of 70, 150, 220 & 380 kV. Air Pollution VI, Editors: C.A. Brebbia C.F. Ratto, H.Power, TM WITPress Computational Mechanics Publications Ed, 237 – 246
- Decat, G. and Van Tongerloo, J. (1998), Monitoring of the Magnetic Fields in Houses under High-Voltage Overhead Transmission Lines of 150, 220 and 380 kV. International Journal of Environment Pollution, Vol. 9, nr. 4, 341 35
- Decat, G. and Van Tichelen, P. (1995, Electric and Magnetic Fields of Domestic Microwave Ovens Quantified under Different Conditions. The Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Energy. International Microwave Power Institute. Vol. 30 No.2, 102-108
- Decat, G. and Van Tichelen, P. (1995), Magnetic Field Monitoring of a Microwave Oven Operating With and Without Metal Housing: A New Approach. Microwave World. Vol. 16, N0. 2, 15-19
- Decat, G. en Kerckhofs, R. (1995), Evaluatie van elektrische en magnetische velden afkomstig van Belgische hoogspanningslijnen bij normale exploitatie. Tijdschrift Energie & Milieu 3 mei/juni, 118-122
- Decat, G. en Van Tongerloo, J. (1998), Monitoring van het magnetisch veld in woningen onder de Belgische hoogspanningslijnen met bedrijfsspanning van 70, 150, 220 & 380 kV. Energie & Milieu nr. 2 - maart/april
- Decat G., Wouters G. and Kretzschmar J.G., (1993) Survey on Microwave Ovens: A Modelling Approach on Radiation Leakage. 28th International Microwave Symposium, Montréal, Canada, 170-175, 1993
- Decat G., Wouters, G. and Kretzschmar J.G. (1993) Quantification of the Radiation Leakage of Domestic Microwave Ovens. 3rd International Symposium Hygiene and Health Management in the Working Environment. Ghent, 41-45, 1993